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To determine the appropriate distance to stand from a golf ball, employ this technique I discovered 42 years ago:

  • Assume a proper setup posture and address the golf ball.
  • Position your hands approximately two fists away from your lead thigh when using irons.
  • For wedges, stand slightly closer.
  • For drivers or woods, stand slightly farther than two fists.

This reference point ensures the correct distance from the ball.

Since the age of six, I’ve utilized this method to ensure proper setup distance from the ball. Presently, it’s a fundamental aspect of my teaching methodology.

However, several additional considerations are noteworthy. Correct distance is crucial; standing too close or too far impedes your potential.

Read on: Best Golf Clubs For High Handicappers

How To Setup So You’re The Right Distance From A Golf Ball

The Right Distance From A Golf Ball

Irrespective of gender or experience, maintaining a two-fist distance between your hands and front thigh is paramount.

Here’s how I advise my students and clients to establish a suitable setup distance:

  • Stand erect, with feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent.
  • Hold the club in front of you, with hands at waist level.
  • Lean forward from the hips, maintaining a straight back and angling the spine 25-35 degrees toward the ball.
  • Ensure arms hang naturally from the shoulders.
  • Position the club’s butt approximately 1-2 inches above the lead leg knee.
  • Check that the club’s bottom is flat or slightly raised on the toe side.
  • Reposition your grip as previously instructed.
  • Maintain a two-fist distance between your hands, gripping the club, and your lead thigh for irons, or slightly further for driver and woods.

For those interested in shaping shots, consider these adjustments:

  • For a draw, increase the distance from the ball slightly.
  • For a fade, decrease the distance slightly.

These alterations should be subtle; excessive adjustments may result in poor shots. Golf often demands slight corrections to rectify seemingly disastrous shots!

Read This: How To Measure Putter Length

How to Know if You Are Standing Too Close to the Ball

Standing Too Close to the Ball

Standing too close restricts hand movement, inhibiting a forceful impact swing. Additionally, adequate space allows the body to rotate properly.

Consequences may include:

  • Shots struck toward the heel of the club
  • Shanks
  • Fat or heavy shots
  • Slices
  • Balance issues
  • Inconsistent shot quality

In the provided image, a student occasionally stands too close, resulting in shots veering right with a driver.

Read More: How To Hit A Driver Consistently

How to Know if You Are Standing Too Far From the Ball

Standing Too Far From the Ball

Excessive distance from the ball can lead to:

  • Back and knee discomfort
  • Balance issues
  • Shots off the club’s toe
  • Hooks
  • Shanks due to imbalance and forward movement toward the ball during the downswing
  • Thin shots or complete misses
  • Inconsistent shot quality

In the depicted example, a student demonstrates excessive distance, resulting in a pulled tee shot leftward with a driver.

If you find yourself beyond the “two-fist” checkpoint, adjust your stance to reach the ball with the clubhead, likely necessitating excessive knee and spine bending.


Q1. Is standing too close or too far from the golf ball preferable?

Ans: Neither is ideal. The correct distance allows for a full swing range, ensuring solid contact and balanced swings. A proper stance facilitates accurate, powerful shots while minimizing common errors like slices, shanks, and mis-hits. Utilize the “two-fist” rule as a guideline to maintain optimal space between your body and the ball for peak performance.

Q2. How far should you stand from the ball when chipping?

Ans: For chipping, a closer stance akin to putting is advisable. This promotes a more upright swing path resembling a pendulum stroke, differing from the full swing in setup and ball distance.

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Steve Morgan, is a passionate golfer and the creator of ThrillGolf. Although he isn't nearly a pro, he has more than 10+ years of international coaching and playing experience. His goal is to improve the golfing community's experience in selecting appropriate equipment and determining the best setup for their swing.